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Kauppojen välinen sodankäynti

Posted: Thu 24 Feb, 2011 15:25:20
by Federal
Jos olette Varustelekan uutisia ja muutamia IRC-kanavia seuranneet, olette saattaneet kuulla tästä mielenkiintoisesta kauppojen välisestä taistosta lisenssi-asioista. Airsoft-Newsistä pongasin myös uutisen aiheesta. Tässä koko uutinen jota ei yksistään pysty linkittämään.

"Breaking News: New Licensing Threat

If a few years back Cybergun began the trend of acquiring the licensing for real firearms brands to be used in airsoft and others than followed, a new trend is coming, one that could have a serious impact on pretty much all airsoft items, especially those from mainland China. The threat this time is coming not from France, but from Finland.

Some whistle blowing got our attention and some investigative journalism got the results... So, here's the story; a Finnish company is trying to register all sorts of names, abbreviations, acronyms and well known company names and models as their own. What they will do with them, well probably put some serious pressure on just about everybody in the airsoft industry to pay them royalties. The company in question is called Muovisotilas, they are owned by Skandinavian United Metal Importers Ltd and the applied for trademark rights for the following names, brands, abbreviations and acronyms:

Jing Gong, Kalash, GG, Dboys, A123, JG, AK, Kart, well, Double Eagle, Boyi, kls, Real Sword, ICS, jatimatik, AGM, zyma, plasticsoldier, Muovisotilas, Golden Eagle, M4A1, A47, MP, M14, M16, AKS, King Arms, Both Elephant, Deep Fire, AIM TOP, qlat, ares, Fogtech, KJ, AKM, Marski, WE, SNOW WOLF, Garand, Grease Gun, M65, BW, westrooper, goldenball, hakkotsu, LYT , Accuracy Pneumatics Shooting APS, AsiaElecGuns AEG, Asia Electric Guns AEG, softaaja, TMC, splav, aha ana

The original list of trademarks applied with the National Board of Patents and Registrations of Finland can be found HERE

The list is quite long, some typos seem to be present, ZYMA, A47 for instance, but this makes the issue no less important than it is. In conclusion, the consequences of these becoming registered trademarks of this particular Finnish company could have some serious implications. As far as we can tell, they are only applying trademark rights for the EU market and there is still time to file a complaint regarding this, that is as far as we can tell. According to our information, the deadline is 14th March 2011.

We'll keep you posted as things develop. Stay tuned."


"Licensing, Cloak & Dagers all from Finland...

OK, so it's not all coming from Finland, but the majority of information is actually coming from Scandinavia. Anyway, the story unfolds some more, it would seem that hidden agendas are on the menu lately, not from everyone mind you, just from some, hopefully interesting read bellow...,, http://www.pcb-airsoft.comAs hours pass by, new information is coming in regarding the spewing conflict between Finnish distributors and retailers. I guess it's quite easy pointing the finger at the next best villain and hoping nobody figures it out. In this case, CyberGun has been dragged into this mess by Muovisotilas as they pointed the finger at them as the source of all evil in Finnish airsoft. However sources, statements and rumors now show a different picture.

As it turns out, most of the shops sell just about the same items Muovisotilas does, a bit of checking on the most obvious retailers such as,, shows just that. Yes - they have CyberGun as well ( least the last one has), but most of their stuff is from chinese manufacturers as well, meaning cheap ACM stuff and that does not seem to sit well with Muovisotilas. Apparently selling stff cheaper than your competition makes you a target and what better way to remove the competition that to get a court injunction forbidding you to sell certain products because you have the trademarks registered for them, solevs the problem nicely does it not?

However CyberGun got dragged into it all, for purposes that seem to elude me, however one theory regarding it stands out. Point the finger at someone else, make them look like the villain and you get away unscaved. And they have a little help from an unlikely source, according to our information, is owned by Muovisotilas, who is trying real hard to hide that they do own them. At the same time is vigorously defending Muovisotilas by spreading their own set of rumors and truths.

Hopefully we'll have some more info in form of official statements, facts as well as rumors on this matter for you. At the moment it all points into the personal vendettas direction, a bit unprofessional wouldn't you say?"

Sekä kolmas osio:

"Airsoft Licensing from Finland: The saga continues...

As we've stated before, it all began with Cyberguns shoddy business practices, which have come a long way and are not that shoddy any more. However others seem to follow in their footsteps.

As the story unfolds, new details become available and we can piece the puzzle together to get a clearer picture. Regarding the move of Muovisotilas, we feel we need to try to explain the situation behind it. You see most of those trademarks are from 2009. They have been registered because CyberGun's lawers threatened Muovisotilas with lawsuits. The company is a former CyberGun wholesaler but they decided to stop the co-operation because CyberGun wanted to dictate what products they are to sell, hence the reference to shoddy business practices. Apparently, after that the corporate lawyers From CyberGun started to bully Muovisotilas so they decided to to register all those trademarks in order to be able to continue it's business. At least, that is how the story goes in the rumor mills in Finland. According to our Finnish sources if one was to search other big Finnish airsoft companies you'll see that they all sell CyberGun low quality products. Supposedly that is because they don't have any other choice without trademarks owned by a Finnish company.

Let's say, for the sake of the argument that this is true, that this is the only way for the Finnish shops and distributors to operate without constant threat from CyberGun. But what guarantee do the airsoft companies in the EU have that the Finns will not be coming after them once they get all the trademarks for all the names, brands, abbreviations and acronyms? Food for thought at least.

We will keep you posted as the story unfolds further, so stay tuned."


Re: Kauppojen välinen sodankäynti

Posted: Thu 24 Feb, 2011 17:40:57
by Choke77
Joo tuota vähän tosiaan ihmeteltykkin jo että mikäs juttu tämä on. Varustelekan seinältä naamakirjasta tuon itse ensimmäisen kerran bongasin.

Re: Kauppojen välinen sodankäynti

Posted: Fri 25 Feb, 2011 01:47:42
by Gary
Tjoo empä ihmettele tai epäile tuota kyllä yhtään.

Jotain ihmeellistä "hesalaista mentaliteettiä" (?) liikkeenomistajas täytyy olla kun kehtaa asiakkaalle hakkua toista kilpailevaa yritystä vielä senkin jälkeen kun nimeltä mainitsematon asiakas on kertonut tuntevansa kyseisen kohteena olevan liikkeen omistajan ja henkilöstön.

(Vaikka muuten päällepäin mukavalta ja ystävälliseltä vaikuttikin)

Re: Kauppojen välinen sodankäynti

Posted: Fri 25 Feb, 2011 14:48:24
by Federal
Lisäsin vielä tuon aivan ensimmäisen uutisen mikä näköjään jäi pois.

Re: Kauppojen välinen sodankäynti

Posted: Sun 20 Nov, 2011 10:36:44
by Repta
Aiheeseen liittyen, Lekan foorumeilla on taas keskustely yltynyt mielenkiintoiseksi: ... 04#p127304

Re: Kauppojen välinen sodankäynti

Posted: Tue 29 Nov, 2011 00:16:04
by -jm-
No huh, jopas on melkoista mekkalointia puolin ja toisin.